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Vacation Care

Our vacation care program offers all the great benefits of our before & after school care program, plus great incursions. 


December/January VC Program

VC Open from 16/12/24 – 20/12/24
Closed from 23/12/24 - 03/01/25
Reopen from 06/01/25 - 24/01/25

Bookings close: Friday 6th of December

Holiday Program Registration Form 

Please complete and return to OSCA
by Friday 6th of December


OSCA Vacation Care operates from 7am until 6pm during the holidays for primary students from all schools. The vacation care program is operated by the P&C association.

We offer a wide range of activities for the multi-aged group and supply afternoon tea. Excursions and incursions are a regular part of the vacation care routine and are added in the fees.

What to bring to Greenslopes vacation program:

  • Healthy morning tea and lunch (sandwiches, fruit, juice/water).

  • Children with special food requirements need to be provided afternoon tea by their parents.

  • Children need to be dressed appropriately. This includes enclosed shoes, sleeved shirt, hat and sunscreen.

  • Extras which may be required for excursion eg. munchie bag, bathers, towel if swimming.


What to leave at home:

  • Thongs, money 

  • All valuable toys and expensive items brought from home (including technology devices such as iPads)

Give us a call:



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