Greenslopes Outside School Care Association is committed to providing interesting and fun activities for prep and primary school aged children in a safe and relaxing environment. The program is known as OSCA, and provides quality before and after school care, vacation care and care on pupil-free days. Children can attend on a permanent or casual basis. Our programs provide a variety of experiences and resources suited to the age and development ranges of all children. Breakfast is available in the mornings and afternoon tea is provided each day.
Child Care Subsidy is available to all families through Centrelink on 13 61 50, for languages other than English on 13 12 02.
Our staff embody OSCA by maintaining a respectable upkeep of the service and are here to be your friend. Each staff has been trained to the standard that is required of them and has practiced first aid to ensure the safety of others. The majority of the staff have studied and acquired qualifications in the field of child care.
Each staff member is required to have a ‘Card for Child Related Employment’ issued by the Commission for Children and Young People present. The OSCA coordinator holds an Advanced Diploma in Child Care and Education. A copy of the staff role is available to parents on request.
Greenslopes State School Before and After School Care commenced operation on 5 October 1987. At that time OSCA was situated in the prep classrooms JP2. After 13 years it was eventually moved to the art block (now library). It changed its name in 1998 to FUN CLUB but in 1999 it once again reverted to OSCA. In November the current OSCA building was created, jointly funded by the Brisbane State Government and OSCA, which houses the program until this day.
P&C records from 1988 show that attendance at OSCA ranged from 6 children in the morning to 14 in the afternoon. At present, OSCA offers 67 places in the morning and 107 in afternoons and vacation care.
Food & Nutrition
OSCA encourages and promotes the health and wellbeing of children through a healthy nutritious diet. We provide a positive learning experience during meal/snack times where good nutritional foods are consumed and habits are developed in a happy, social environment. Parents are encouraged to participate in this approach to nutrition for their children.
OSCA provides breakfast in before school care and afternoon tea in after school care. It is our aim to provide nutritious food and drinks for breakfast, afternoon tea and cooking activities.
Second afternoon tea is at 5:00 when we eat leftover sandwiches from afternoon tea and some fresh fruit.
OSCA is supportive of special dietary needs of the children.
For Vacation Care parents need to provide morning tea and lunch while OSCA provides afternoon tea. As OSCA emphasizes the importance of healthy eating we encourage parents to provide healthy snacks and lunch for children.
Our nutrition policy is developed in consultation with families, staff and the Management Committee. The policy is based on information from recognised health authorities, which include any or all of the Commonwealth or State Government Health Department and non-government organisations with recognised expertise in nutrition (eg Nutrition Australia, Heart Foundation, Queensland Health).
Sponsor & Licensee
Greenslopes Outside School Care Association is sponsored/licensed by Greenslopes State School P&C association.
Parent participation is encouraged throughout all aspects of our service; Parents can submit items for discussion to the Coordinator for the monthly P&C meetings. The election of VP P&C committee executive position is held at the AGM in February.
Policies and management issues should be directed to the P&C via the grievance policy outlined in Policies & Procedures handbook.
From time to time we review aspects of the service such as Policies and Procedures for which we ask for families to participate in a number of ways, including committees and surveys. Your participation not only allows you to have your say, it is ensuring that our service is the best it can be.